Thursday, October 6, 2011

On A Break

So, today you and your guy come to the painful conclusion that you are poison for each other.  You love each other but continue to hurt each other.  So the break begins.  And wow it hurts.  You've never broken up with someone that you loved before.  By the time the last breakups occurred, you hated him already.  Breaking up was a relief!  So this is new and it feels terrible.  But you know it's right.  And if you are meant to be with them, then you will find your way back to each other someday.  In the meantime, what the hell do you tell your kid that care about him?  Your family?  Your friends?  When you are someone who likes to keep private things private it is hard when something like that happened and people will wonder where he went.  But such as life and it sucks so when you finalize the breakup you will tell only those who ask.  You still talk.  He still is giving you money to help catch up on bills.  But when will he be moving his stuff out?  When do you have to figure out what you keep and what he keeps?  Fuck this shit.  This is hard.  I know I said I would blog about funny stuff too but I can't seem to find the humor in anything right now.  And the only person who can make me smile is my daughter.  And tomorrow is PA day for her which means she doesn't have school and she was invited to a sleepover.  Which leaves me in a big empty house all alone.  Yikes.  This sucks big time.  It sucks big hairy sweaty balls.  Guess a drink or five might be in order.  Whilst watching Y&R and doing laundry.  Cheers


  1. I mean it. We've all gone through tough times, when it happened to me I found myself forgetting to breathe sometimes. Keep reminding yourself that it needs to get worse before it gets better. It will get better.
